Marco Polo: The Epic Cavalry General in Evony

Evony General Marco Polo

Last updated on December 23rd, 2024

Marco Polo, the famous Italian explorer, is renowned for his extensive travels across Asia and detailed accounts of China. In Evony, he is an Epic Historic General skilled at leading mounted troops. But how does he compare to Napoleon (Prime)? What are the best general combinations for Marco Polo? This guide answers these questions.

Evony General Marco Polo
Evony General Marco Polo

Marco Polo’s Background

In 1271, the young Marco Polo set out on the Silk Road, eager to explore distant lands. His journey took him to the Mongol Empire, one of the world’s most powerful empires at the time.

After crossing deserts and mountains, he arrived in the mysterious East. His intelligence impressed the Great Khan, who made him an envoy in the royal court. Marco Polo marveled at the grandeur of the imperial capital, the richness of Eastern culture, and the bustling markets and canals, as if stepping into a dream.

In 1295, after years of travel, Marco Polo returned to Venice, only to be captured by Genoa in a naval battle. While imprisoned, he recounted his adventures, which were compiled into The Travels of Marco Polo. This book vividly portrayed the splendor of the East and inspired many explorers.

Marco Polo’s life is a testament to courage and discovery, bridging cultures and encouraging exploration.

Marco Polo’s Special Skill

Basic Buffs:

  • Increases mounted troops’ attack by 45%
  • Increases mounted troops’ defense and HP by 40% when the General is leading the army to attack

Red Star Ascending Buffs:

  1. Marching mounted troop attack +25% and HP +15%
  2. Marching troop death into wounded rate +8%
  3. When attacking, mounted troop attack +30% and march size capacity +8%
  4. Enemy ground and mounted troop defense and HP -10%
  5. Marching mounted troop attack +40%, defense and HP +25%

Marco Polo’s Specialties

  • Mounted Troop Formation: Mounted troop attack and defense +10%
  • Annihilation: March size capacity +6%; attacking mounted troop and ground troop attack +10%
  • Mounted Troop Ares: Mounted troop attack, HP, and defense +10%
  • The Million: Marching mounted troop attack +50%, HP +30%, and march size capacity +15%

Marco Polo’s Covenant Generals & Buffs

Covenant Generals:

  • Genghis Khan
  • Basil II
  • Subutai

Covenant Attributes:

  • War Covenant: Mounted troop attack +5%
  • Cooperation Covenant: March speed +10%
  • Peace Covenant: Mounted troop training capacity +10%
  • Faith Covenant: In-rally mounted troop attack +5%; mounted troop attack +5%
  • Honor Covenant: In-rally mounted troop attack +10%
  • Civilization Covenant: Mounted troop defense and HP +10%

How to Obtain Marco Polo

1. General Tokens

  • Epic General: During the 2024 Regata Storica, the probability of obtaining Marco Polo increases to 5.77%.
  • Epic Historic General: 8.24% probability during Regata Storica.
  • Epic Historic General (Premium): The probability reaches 14.71% during Regata Storica.

2. Historic General Summoning Event

During the 2024 Regata Storica event, Marco Polo is added to the reward pool. Players can use the Epic Historic General (Glory) token to summon generals. The chance of getting Marco Polo is 17.5% during the event. After the event, the probability may decrease, but Marco Polo could still be available in the reward pool.

Get Evony Marco Polo from Historic General Summoning Event
Get Evony Marco Polo from Historic General Summoning Event

Marco Polo vs. Napoleon (Prime)

To have a more intuitive understanding of the buffs of these two generals, we have compared the main aspects in the table below.
Marco Polo
Napoleon (Prime)
Special Skill
MA +45
MD +40
MHP +40
MA +50
MD +30
MHP +30
(Need a dragon or spiritual beast)
1 Red Star
MA +25
MHP +15
GA & MA +10
GD & MD +5
GHP & MHP +5
2 Red Star
death into wounded +8
death into wounded +10
3 Red Star
MA +30
March size capacity +8
GA & MA +15
March size capacity +8
4 Red Star
Enemy GD & MD -10
Enemy GHP & MHP -10
MD +25
MHP +30
5 Red Star
MA +40
MD +25
MHP +25
MA +35
MD +30
Specialty 1
MA +10
MD +10
MA +10
MD +10
Specialty 2
March size capacity +6
MA & GA +10
March speed +10
MA +20
Specialty 3
MA +10
MD +10
MHP +10
MA +10
MD +10
MHP +10
Specialty 4
MA +50
MHP +30
March size capacity +15
MA +40
MD +30
Enemy RA & SA -15
MA +5 (1st)
March speed +10 (2nd)
MA +5 (4th)
MD +10 (5th)
MHP +10 (6th)
March size capacity +5 (2nd)
MA & GA +8 (5th)
MA +12 (6th)
General Skin
MA +10
Enemy GHP -20
MA +230
MD +95
MHP +130
March size capacity +29
MA +220
MD +140
MHP +75
March size capacity +13
Based on the statistics above, Marco Polo is worse than Napoleon (Prime) in cavalry defense, but better than him in HP and march size.
  GA/GD/GHP = Ground troop attack/defense/HP
  MA/MD/MHP = Mounted troop attack/defense/HP
  RA = Ranged troop attack
  SA = Siege machine attack]

Recommended Combinations about Marco Polo

Marco Polo conflicts with Napoleon (Prime), Poligenus, Mordred, and George A. Custer. So we do not recommend pairing Marco Polo with these generals.
After testing, we recommend the following 6 combinations. In the table, we have counted the benefits of each pair of combinations on cavalry and march size capacity when full buffs are applied. You can choose your favorite combination based on this table.
Main General
Assistant General
Mounted Troop Attack
Mounted Troop Defense
Mounted Troop HP
March Size Capacity
Attack with Lv4 Mounted Troop Attack Skill Book
Marco Polo
(Need a dragon or spiritual beast)
Washington (Prime)
(Can not use)
(Can not use)
(Can not use)