Yaoqi Guo: From Gaming Enthusiast to Industry Leader

Yaoqi Guo-From Gaming Enthusiast to Industry Leader

Last updated on November 27th, 2023 at 01:05 am

In the strategy gaming sector, the influence of the metaverse is becoming increasingly noticeable. Yaoqi Guo, the co-founder and CEO of Top Games Inc., has noted the innovative potential of the metaverse, emphasizing that its full development requires significant time and resources. “Evony,” a well-known strategy mobile game developed by Top Games Inc., stands as a testament to this approach. The game’s success and popularity underscore the company’s focus on quality and innovation, reflecting Yaoqi Guo’s effective leadership and Brings Evony From Game Visionary to ‘Evony’ Legend in the gaming industry.

Yaoqi Guo: From Gaming Enthusiast to Industry Leader

Yaoqi Guo’s journey in gaming, from a passionate player to a successful developer and marketer, started in his childhood. Enthralled by electronic games’ stories and characters, he was motivated to turn his gaming passion into a professional pursuit, exploring game development’s intricate aspects.

Creating High-Quality Gaming Experiences

Yaoqi’s focus has been on delivering top-quality gaming experiences globally. He views games as more than a hobby—they’re a lifestyle. His game designs aim to build connections and foster personal development, allowing players to deeply engage with the games.

Evony’s Collaboration with “Kong: Skull Island”

In 2022, “Evony’s” collaboration with “Kong: Skull Island” elevated the game to new heights. The film’s adventurous theme, set in a dangerous jungle, aligned perfectly with “Evony’s” strategic gameplay. This collaboration, involving world boss battles and palace theft activities, not only showcased the Evony team’s innovative gameplay enhancements but also earned them the NYX Award in 2022.

Yaoqi Guo on User Experience and Community Building

In an interview, Yaoqi Guo remarked, “As a gamer, I realized in 2009 that many companies neglected user experience and satisfaction. That’s why I joined Top Games Inc. We design games with the player in mind, striving to create the best experience and foster a lasting gaming community.”

Reflecting Company Values through Games

“Evony’s” choice to collaborate with IPs like “Kong: Skull Island” underlines the importance of aligning film and TV IPs with the game’s ethos. Since its launch, values like unity and cooperation have been central to “Evony.” To enhance its cooperative spirit, the game includes team tasks and activities, allowing players to experience both the game’s excitement and a sense of global camaraderie.


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