How to Acquire General Jan Karol Chodkiewicz

Jan Karol Chodkiewicz

Last updated on September 25th, 2024 at 11:58 pm

Jan Karol Chodkiewicz was a renowned commander of the Grand Ducal Lithuanian Army. He famously defeated a Swedish army three times the size of his own. In Evony, he is an Epic Historic General, known for his strong debuff abilities, making him an ideal Subordinate City Mayor. This article covers his Special Skill, Max Level Specialty, and how to acquire him.

Jan Karol Chodkiewicz
Jan Karol Chodkiewicz

Special Skill: Battle of Kircholm

When leading an army, Jan Karol Chodkiewicz reduces:

  • Enemy mounted troops’ attack by 25%.
  • Enemy siege machines’ defense and HP by 30%.

Star Level Bonuses:

  • 1★: Enemy Troop Defense -10%.
  • 2★: Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -10%; Death into Survival Rate +15% (when Mayor).
  • 3★: Enemy Troop HP -10%; Training Speed +20% (when Mayor).
  • 4★: Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -15%, Siege Machine Defense and HP -15%.
  • 5★: Enemy Ground Troop and Mounted Troop Attack -15%; Ranged Troop and Siege Machine Defense and HP -15%.

Max Level Specialty

  1. Siege Machine Defense: Siege Machine HP and Defense +10%.
  2. Snipe: Enemy Troop Attack -10%.
  3. War God: All Troops Attack +6%.
  4. Grand Hetman: Enemy Mounted Troop Attack -35%; Siege Machine Defense and HP -20%.

How to Get Jan Karol Chodkiewicz

Originally, Jan Karol Chodkiewicz could be obtained through the Skull Island Defense event during the Kong Collaboration. Now, he can be acquired through the Giant’s Wisdom Temple event.

Giant’s Wisdom Temple – Mayor Optional Chest

This event has four levels, each offering rewards. The Mayor Optional Chest appears in the prize pool of Lv3 and Lv4:

  • Lv3: 10% chance to receive the chest.
  • Lv4: 15% chance to receive the chest.

Once you open the chest, you can choose Jan Karol Chodkiewicz from the reward list.

How to Participate:

To complete the levels, you must use Giant’s Pickaxe to uncover Wisdom Crystals hidden in each level. You can only progress through the levels in order from 1 to 4.

How to Get Giant’s Pickaxe:

  • Kill Monsters: Earn up to 10 pickaxes per day.
  • Purchase Packages:
    • Luxury Precious Treasure: 10 pickaxes.
    • Luxury Ultimate Treasure: 100 pickaxes.

This guide helps you unlock Jan Karol Chodkiewicz and leverage his powerful abilities in Evony.

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